Resolved complaints

Showing items 101 to 120 of 822
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
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Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region (additional)
Status Actions
NTB-000-125 7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure
2009-07-26 Seychelles: Port Victoria South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Some businesses complained that port handling facilities at the ports are unable to handle containers that exceed 6methers (20ft) thereby limiting exporters in implementing the most cost effective way of transporting their products.  
Resolution status note: Seychelles reported that a new plan for handling of containers has been designed and is expected to ease the current burden in the handling of containers; however it is not too clear when the renovation project will kick start.  
NTB-000-094 1.1. Export subsidies
B15: Authorization requirements for importers
2009-07-26 South Africa: Ministry of Trade Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: Mauritian exports of canned Tuna are denied entry into South Africa because South Africa does not recognize Ministry of Fisheries in Mauritius as being the regulatory body even though product qualifies for EUR1 certificate and is exported to the EU  
Resolution status note: South Africa reported that all inspections are carried out according to the requirements of the compulsory specification for “The manufacture, production, processing and treatment of canned fish, canned marine molluscs and canned crustaceans”, and these inspections are non-discriminatory. Furthermore, rejections on products are not done by an individual but by a panel and it is important to note that FAI is accredited by SANAS to the requirements of ISO 17020 ( accreditation for inspection bodies)  
NTB-000-106 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures 2009-07-26 Eswatini: Ministry of Trade South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Swaziland imposed import levy for dairy products.  
Resolution status note: Swaziland reported that there is an import levy on dairy products imposed and collected by Swaziland Dairy Board  
NTB-000-126 1.2. Government monopoly in export/import
2009-07-26 Eswatini: Ministry of Trade Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: Single channel marketing for sugar and sugar products.  
Resolution status note: Swaziland reported that the status quo remains because the Sugar Act has not been reviewed.  
NTB-000-127 1.3. State subsidies, procurement, trading, state ownership
2009-07-26 Eswatini: NAMBOARD Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: Government owns several parastatals that carry out trade.NAMBOARD receives vegetables on consignment from farmers and sells in hotels etc. If the consignment spoils because it is not bought, the farmer loses. At the same time NAMBOARD issues out licences for importing of similar items to those it trades in. The products affected are maize, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables, flour, poultry, animal feed.  
Resolution status note: Swaziland reported that NAMBOARD issues import permits for vegetables and wheat as per the infant industry protection provision in the SACU 2002 Agreement.  
NTB-000-128 2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges 2009-07-26 Eswatini: Bordergate South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Lack of standardization in application of regulations, which currently differ per individual officer, per border post.  
Resolution status note: Swaziland reported that Standards in application of procedures are in place. Where these are not clear officers may use discretion. This results in non uniformity.  
NTB-000-113 7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure 2009-07-26 Tanzania: Dar-es-Salaam Port South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Periodic port congestion in Tanzania makes logistical planning near impossible , which impact negatively on perishable exports.  
Resolution status note: Tanzania reported that by July 2010, the import container dwell time had been reduced to 10 days, ship waiting time from 13 days to 4 days and ship turnaround time from 19 days to 3 days. This improvement has been attributable to additional investment to increase handling capacity which involved reorganisation of the port area (additional capacity of 14,000 TEU's) and opening of new ICD (additional capacity of 10,000 TEU's). This is complimented by supportive tariff for ICD and punitive tariff for overstayed containers within the port. New customs procedures which include online submission of declarations and supporting documents, reduced percentage of physical verifications, partial submission of manifest all have contributed positively to reduce dwell time. Efforts are now geared towards implementing a single window port community system PCS TO FURTHER REDUCE CONTAINER DWELL TIME TO 5 DAYS.
Establishment of ICD was meant to create additional space of approximately 10,000 TEU's as pointed out earlier.
All transit containers were excluded in the process of being sent to ICD in order to reduce the inconvenience to the customers and also get rid of the double handling that would be created by sending the transit containers to ICD.
ICD are currently working as an extension of the port and hence monitoring of transit containers not sent to ICD will be easily monitored. Therefore this will not be subjected to any charges since all transit containers will be stationed at the port.
NTB-000-101 1.2. Government monopoly in export/import 2009-07-26 Zimbabwe: Ministry of Agriculture South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Zimbabwe has single marketing channel for basic commodities.  
Resolution status note: Zimbabwe reported that this is no longer obtaining.  
NTB-000-172 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-07-27 Malawi: Dedza Malawi Resolved
Complaint: cumbersome and bureaucratic delays encountered in the processing of documentation and clearing of goods at the border posts.  
Resolution status note: Malawi reported that she had established trade facilitation tools e.g. Development of OSBPs with Zambia,( Muchinji/Mwami) and Tanzania. Draft agreements have been Mozambique and Malawi were now awaiting Official signing at Ministerial level. Malawi has also developed a one stop Malawi Trade portal with all legal regulations and procedures for all institutions in Malawi that deal with trade in goods. All trade and business related forms and procedures for the respective institutions can be dowloaded from the trade portal.  
NTB-000-199 2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures 2009-07-27 Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Revenue Authority Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) machines are connected to Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe which is linked through the internet to enable them to access approved copies of CDI forms. Serious delays are faced in processing the export documents because the systems are frequently down or unable to connect during working hours. The verification process by RBZ takes too long - up to 3 days.  
Resolution status note: Zimbabwe reported that there is fallback method in the event that the system is down. The CD1s are processed manually and are captured later in the excel spreadsheet which is then forwarded electronically to RBZ on weekly basis. There is therefore no delay in processing export documents  
NTB-000-167 7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure 2009-07-27 Malawi: Malawi Revenue Authority Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Border delays including irregular border hours  
Resolution status note: Malawi reported that border operating hours are now harmonized and synchronized across borders in Malawi. Malawi now moving to 24hrs.  
NTB-000-168 5.1. Quantitative restrictions 2009-07-27 Mauritius: Ministry of Trade Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Import restrictions on sugar  
Resolution status note: At the last NTB meeting in March 2011, Mauritius informed the meeting that import restrictions on sugar in Mauritius have been lifted  
NTB-000-174 1.1. Export subsidies
A82: Testing requirement
2009-07-27 Malawi: Malawi Revenue Authority Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Time taken to test products varies between five days for meat and poultry to ten days for batteries. The time factor and discretionary use of these services at the borders has lead to delays in the distribution.  
Resolution status note: At the 3rd meeting the Tripartite NTBs Focal Points and NMC Chairs held in Dar -es-Salaam on 19-20 April 2012, Malawi reported that the delays could be attributed to the practice of some importers who do not obtain prior certification of products before importing. For importation of meat products, SPS certification has to be obtained from Ministry of Agriculture before importing to avoid delays at the border. The same applies to importation of batteries. Import permit must be obtained from ministry of Trade before importation. The meeting accepted Malawi’s submission to have this NTB resolved.  
NTB-000-182 5.1. Quantitative restrictions 2009-07-27 Malawi: Ministry of Trade Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Restriction on importation of tobacco leaf from SADC countries  
Resolution status note: At the 3rd meeting the Tripartite NTBs Focal Points and NMC Chairs held in Dar -es-Salaam on 19-20 April 2012, Malawi submitted that importation of tobacco was not restricted. As a matter of fact Malawi imports tobacco from Tanzania Zambia for processing at Malawi companies. The tobacco is re-exported after processing. The meeting was also informed that the companies buying tobacco in the region are the same.  
NTB-000-183 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2009-07-27 Malawi: Ministry of Trade Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Export restraint on Unmanufactured tobacco  
Resolution status note: This is no longer obtaining  
NTB-000-135 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures
2009-07-27 Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Botswana imposes ad- hoc import levies on fresh produce  
Resolution status note: Botswana reported that the levies are no longer obtaining  
NTB-000-135 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures
2009-07-27 Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Botswana imposes ad- hoc import levies on fresh produce  
Resolution status note: Botswana indicated that she did not charge levies but closed borders whenever local produce was enough to supply local demand. The Ministry of Agriculture has advised that the dates for border closure and opening are set by a committee composed of traders and producers. The Ministry notes that sufficient time is allowed for traders to notify their external suppliers on time. While the study on Agricultural NTBs recommended gradual elimination of some NTBs, it recommended that others could only be eliminated after provision of adequate alternative support systems. This NTB is of regulatory nature and therefore it is resolved that the NTB be transferred to section of 'Resolved NTBs of policy and regulatory nature' for further consideration  
NTB-000-136 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures
2009-07-27 Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture South Africa Resolved
Complaint: An import levy of 15% is charged on wheat flour  
Resolution status note: Botswana reporte4d that she does not impose levy on wheat  
NTB-000-136 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures
2009-07-27 Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture South Africa Resolved
Complaint: An import levy of 15% is charged on wheat flour  
Resolution status note: Botswana reported that she does not impose levy on wheat imports. Botswana is imposing the 15% levy on wheat flour.The wheat flour Levy was introduced in 2003, through the Control of Goods, Prices and other charges Act Chapter 43 section 8 Subsection 3 which restrict importation on wheat flour, thereby encouraging the protection of industries in Botswana. The ACt is still under review. The 15% levy is intended as protection for millers in Botswana and is also designed to support value addition. Consultations are in progress with relevant Ministry. Botswana indicated that resolution of this complaint is dependent on the results of the review of the “Control of Goods, Prices and Other Charges Act” which has been stalled pending the establishment of a National Body. A study to assess the relevance of the levy on wheat flour is still being planned. This NTB is of regulatory nature and therefore it is resolved that the NTB be transferred to section of 'Resolved NTBs of policy and regulatory nature' for further consideration.  
NTB-000-190 7.9. Inadequate trade related infrastructure
2009-07-27 SADC Malawi Resolved
Complaint: Inconsistency of road traffic laws, and their application in SADC.  
Resolution status note: Botswana reported that ahe is in the process of harmonizing traffic laws with SADC traffic laws; however, there are some traffic laws that have been harmonized e.g. road signs etc.  
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