Complaint number |
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Date of incident |
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NTB-000-150 |
2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin |
2009-07-27 |
Kenya: Kenya Revenue Authority |
Tanzania |
Resolved 2011-08-29 |
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In some instances, Kenya customs demands that Tanzania exporters wishing to pernetrate the Kenyan market have to produce an EA certificate of origin or alternatively an international certificate of origin. An EA certificate of origin does not exist yet, since the EA countries are using the COMESA certificate of origin until they develope their own. |
Resolution status note:
At the NMC meeting held in Naifrobi on 29 August 2011, Kenya reported that there is an EAC certificate of origin currently issued by Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) . |
NTB-000-149 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures |
2009-07-27 |
Tanzania: Tanzania Revenue Authority |
Tanzania |
Resolved 2011-07-28 |
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Despite efforts to improve the situation, customs procedures in Tanzania are cumbersome. In most cases, depending on the type of product, there is a long verification chain that involves many steps and numerous documents have to be handled/exchanged in the process of importing. |
Resolution status note:
Tanzania Revenue Authority reported that all customs documentation are now obtained and processed online. Traders engage Clearing Agents for clearing goods who obtain all documents online. |
NTB-000-148 |
2.8. Lengthy and costly customs clearance procedures Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-27 |
Zambia: Ministry of Trade |
Tanzania |
Resolved 2011-03-04 |
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Zambia licensing process just too long. |
Resolution status note:
Zambia reported that the process only takes 24hours |
NTB-000-147 |
1.8. Import bans Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-27 |
Namibia: Ministry of Trade |
South Africa |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Namibia imposed an import ban on wheat flour |
NTB-000-146 |
1.8. Import bans |
2009-07-27 |
Rwanda: Ministry of Agriculture |
Rwanda |
Resolved 2010-07-30 |
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An import ban on wheat flour has been imposed |
Resolution status note:
Rwanda reported that the issue was resolved internally |
NTB-000-145 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures |
2009-07-27 |
Zimbabwe: Ministry of Agriculture |
South Africa |
Resolved 2011-06-09 |
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A 10% import levy is imposed on all agricultural products. |
Resolution status note:
Zimbabwe reported that import levy has been suspended on all basic commodities most of which are agricultural in nature. |
NTB-000-144 |
1.8. Import bans |
2009-07-27 |
Zimbabwe: Ministry of Industry & Commerce |
South Africa |
Resolved 2011-03-04 |
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An import ban has been put in place for poultry products |
Resolution status note:
Zimbabwe reported that the ban has since been lifted on poultry and its products. |
NTB-000-143 |
5.1. Quantitative restrictions |
2009-07-27 |
Zimbabwe: Ministry of Industry and Commerce |
South Africa |
Resolved 2011-03-04 |
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Zimbabwe imposes import restrictions on flour |
Resolution status note:
Zimbabwe reported that there are no more quotas on importation of flour .Anyone .i.e individuals or companies can import any quantity as long as all the requirements are met. |
NTB-000-142 |
5.1. Quantitative restrictions |
2009-07-27 |
Zimbabwe: Ministry of Industry and Commerce |
South Africa |
Resolved 2011-06-09 |
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Zimbabwe imposes restrictions on imports of maize meal |
Resolution status note:
Zimbabwe reported that there are no more quotas on importation of mealie-meal .Anyone .i.e individuals or companies can import any quantity as long as all the requirements are met. |
NTB-000-142 |
5.1. Quantitative restrictions |
2009-07-27 |
Zimbabwe: Ministry of Industry and Commerce |
South Africa |
Resolved 2011-06-09 |
View |
Zimbabwe imposes restrictions on imports of maize meal |
Resolution status note:
Zimbabwe reported that there are no more quotas on importation of mealie-meal .Anyone .i.e individuals or companies can import any quantity as long as all the requirements are met. |
NTB-000-141 |
5.3. Export taxes |
2009-07-27 |
Mauritius: Ministry of Trade |
South Africa |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Mauritius charges an export tax on sugar |
Resolution status note:
Mauritius reported that taxes were eliminated in 2004 |
NTB-000-140 |
5.1. Quantitative restrictions |
2009-07-27 |
Malawi: Ministry of Trade |
South Africa |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Malawi controls quantities of imports of wheat products |
Resolution status note:
Malawi reported that there is no quantitative control of wheat products |
NTB-000-139 |
5.1. Quantitative restrictions |
2009-07-27 |
Malawi: Ministry of Trade |
South Africa |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Malawi controls quantities of imported wheat |
Resolution status note:
Malawi reported that there is no quantitative control of wheat |
NTB-000-138 |
5.1. Quantitative restrictions |
2009-07-27 |
South Africa: Ministry of Agriculture |
South Africa |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Malawi imposes quantitative restrictions on Maize imports |
Resolution status note:
Malawi reported that there is no policy to restrict maize imports but this one was applied to suppliers who did not comply with the contractual obligations of maize imports |
NTB-000-136 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-27 |
Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture |
South Africa |
Resolved 2012-05-03 |
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An import levy of 15% is charged on wheat flour |
Resolution status note:
Botswana reporte4d that she does not impose levy on wheat |
NTB-000-136 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-27 |
Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture |
South Africa |
Resolved 2012-05-03 |
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An import levy of 15% is charged on wheat flour |
Resolution status note:
Botswana reported that she does not impose levy on wheat imports. Botswana is imposing the 15% levy on wheat flour.The wheat flour Levy was introduced in 2003, through the Control of Goods, Prices and other charges Act Chapter 43 section 8 Subsection 3 which restrict importation on wheat flour, thereby encouraging the protection of industries in Botswana. The ACt is still under review. The 15% levy is intended as protection for millers in Botswana and is also designed to support value addition. Consultations are in progress with relevant Ministry. Botswana indicated that resolution of this complaint is dependent on the results of the review of the “Control of Goods, Prices and Other Charges Act” which has been stalled pending the establishment of a National Body. A study to assess the relevance of the levy on wheat flour is still being planned. This NTB is of regulatory nature and therefore it is resolved that the NTB be transferred to section of 'Resolved NTBs of policy and regulatory nature' for further consideration. |
NTB-000-135 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-27 |
Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture |
South Africa |
Resolved 2012-05-03 |
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Botswana imposes ad- hoc import levies on fresh produce |
Resolution status note:
Botswana reported that the levies are no longer obtaining |
NTB-000-135 |
2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-27 |
Botswana: Ministry of Agriculture |
South Africa |
Resolved 2012-05-03 |
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Botswana imposes ad- hoc import levies on fresh produce |
Resolution status note:
Botswana indicated that she did not charge levies but closed borders whenever local produce was enough to supply local demand. The Ministry of Agriculture has advised that the dates for border closure and opening are set by a committee composed of traders and producers. The Ministry notes that sufficient time is allowed for traders to notify their external suppliers on time. While the study on Agricultural NTBs recommended gradual elimination of some NTBs, it recommended that others could only be eliminated after provision of adequate alternative support systems. This NTB is of regulatory nature and therefore it is resolved that the NTB be transferred to section of 'Resolved NTBs of policy and regulatory nature' for further consideration |
NTB-000-134 |
5.7. Minimum import price limits Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-27 |
Lesotho: Ministry of Trade |
South Africa |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Lesotho regulates prices by fixing a floor price for peas |
Resolution status note:
Lesotho reported that she does not regulate prices for any product; however our marketing department sometimes makes some price recommendations based on the market price for legumes. At times when these food stuffs have been subsidized due to lack of food supplies as a result of drought, prices are being regulated (only on subsidized programmes). |
NTB-000-133 |
5.7. Minimum import price limits Policy/Regulatory |
2009-07-27 |
Lesotho: Ministry of Trade |
South Africa |
Resolved 2010-11-22 |
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Lesotho regulates prices for dry beans |
Resolution status note:
Lesotho reported that she does not regulate prices for any product; however our marketing department sometimes makes some price recommendations based on the market price for legumes. At times when these food stuffs have been subsidized due to lack of food supplies as a result of drought, prices are being regulated (only on subsidized programmes). |