Resolved complaints

Showing items 21 to 40 of 822
Complaint number NTB Type
Category 1. Government participation in trade & restrictive practices tolerated by governments
Category 2. Customs and administrative entry procedures
Category 5. Specific limitations
Category 6. Charges on imports
Category 7. Other procedural problems
Category 8. Transport, Clearing and Forwarding
Check allUncheck all
Date of incident Location
Reporting country or region (additional)
Status Actions
NTB-000-051 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures 2004-12-22 Malawi: Malawi Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: 25% excise duty on laundry soap.

Kenya complained that Malawian Government charge 25% excise duty on imports of laundry soap.
Resolution status note: At their meeting held on 29 August 2011, Kenya NMC reported that consultations had taken place between the Ministers of Trade of the two coutries which resolved the matter.  
Products: 3401.11: Soap and organic surface-active products and preparations, in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, and paper, wadding, felt and nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap or detergent, for toilet use, incl. medicated products  
NTB-000-052 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures
2008-12-22 Malawi: Malawi Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: 25% excise duty on edible oils

Kenya complained that Malawian Government charge 25% excise duty on imports of edible oils.
Resolution status note: At the NTBs SMS launch meeting hel on 09 April 2013, Malawi reported that this issue had been resolved and confirmed that Malawi chrges a duty of 20 percent which is is applied to both local and imported commodities hence its non discriminatory, therefore not an NTB.  
Products: 1511.90: Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined (excl. chemically modified and crude)  
NTB-000-052 2.7. International taxes and charges levied on imports and other tariff measures
2008-12-22 Malawi: Malawi Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: 25% excise duty on edible oils

Kenya complained that Malawian Government charge 25% excise duty on imports of edible oils.
Resolution status note: Malawi reported that the excise tax was non- discriminatory  
Products: 1511.90: Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined (excl. chemically modified and crude)  
NTB-000-053 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-01-21 Burundi: Ministry of Trade Eswatini Resolved
Complaint: Refuse to offer a minimum reduction of 60% on standard importatiion of sugar from Swaziland as agreed.

Burundian Customs are claiming that Swaziland is not a member of COMESA.
Resolution status note: Issue was resolved by the COMESA Customs and Trade Committee  
NTB-000-054 5.2. Exchange controls 2009-02-04 Kenya: Private Company Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: Tara Florist of Mauritius reported that they made a payment in advance for an order of cut flowers to Mayfield Growers of Nairobi, Kenya on 17 August, 2007.

Mayfield Growers failed to deliver the products as agreed. Tara Florist has been sending reminders to Mayfield Growers.
Resolution status note: Government of Kenya facilitated resolution of the problem in 2007/8  
NTB-000-055 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-02-09 Madagascar: Customs Department Mauritius Resolved
Complaint: Mauritius reported that Madagascar has doubt on the originating status of sopa exported by Maniprove Company of Mauritius to Sarvonnerie Tropicale Company in Madagascar  
Resolution status note: Madagascar reported that elimination of this NTB is being done progressively  
Products: 3401.20: Soap in the form of flakes, granules, powder, paste or in aqueous solution  
NTB-000-056 2.4. Import licensing 2009-02-09 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zimbabwe reported that Zambia is not issuing permits for the importaion of sterilized milk from Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that The Ban was lifted and reported during the COMESA Twenty Ninth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee – December, 2010  
NTB-000-057 2.4. Import licensing 2009-02-09 Zambia: Ministry of Trade Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zimbabwe reported that Zambia is not issuing permits for the importaion of sterilized milk from Zimbabwe  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives in Zambia in 2007 suspended importation of sterilized milk until production, consumption and deficit figures were known so that whilst allowing imports , the diary industry which is in its infancy does not suffer but be allowed to grow. Consultations between the Ministry of Agriculture in Zambia and the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Zimbabwe are ongoing with a view to resolving the problem associated with the importation of sterilized milk from Zimbabwe.  
NTB-000-058 2.3. Issues related to the rules of origin 2009-02-09 Eritrea: Eritrea Revenue Authority Kenya Resolved
Complaint: Kenya reported that the Government of Eritrea is rejecting the COMESA Certificate of origin on processed meat exports from the Farmers Choice in Kenya due to authenticity of Signatures.  
Resolution status note: Eriteria reported that the issue was resolved by the COMESA customs and trade committee meeting  
Products: 2102.10: Active yeasts  
NTB-000-059 7.3. Corruption 2009-04-20 Kenya: Rwanda to Mombasa Highway Rwanda Resolved
Complaint: Road blocks along the Northern Corridor for transporters carrying goods from Rwanda to Mombasa Port

The policemen at road blocks demand payments of 1000 Uganda Shillings and 50 Kenya shillings. Once you have made the payments they don't even bother to check on what you are carrying.
Resolution status note: Kenya reported that issue was resolved through COMESA customs and trade committee meeting  
NTB-000-060 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2009-07-22 Zambia: Ministry of Transport Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zambia has is now charging carbon tax of US$40 per trip an increase from the original US$40 per annum.  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she does not charge US$ 40 per trip but charges US$40 per every three (3) months and during that period payment is made only once regards less of how many trips are made until the three months expires.  
NTB-000-061 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2009-07-22 Zambia: Ministry of Transport Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zambia has increased its carbon tax and is now charging US$40 per trip instead of US$40 per annum  
Resolution status note: Zambia reported that she does not charge US$ 40 per trip but charges US$40 per every three (3) months and during that period payment is made only once regards less of how many trips are made until the three months expires.  
NTB-000-062 8.7. Costly Road user charges /fees
2009-07-22 Zambia: Ministry of Transport Zimbabwe Resolved
Complaint: Zambia is now demanding a carbon tax of US$40 per trip instead of the previously charged US$40 per annum.  
Resolution status note: Zambia does not charge US$ 40 per trip but charges US$40 per every three (3) months and during that period payment is made only once regards less of how many trips are made until the three months expires.  
NTB-000-063 7.8. Consular and Immigration Issues 2009-07-23 Lesotho: Ministry of labour Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Lesotho is restricting employment of qualified manpower nit available in that country  
Resolution status note: Lesotho reported there are expatriates who are working in Lesotho in various professions, so there is no employment restriction of qualified manpower in the country.  
NTB-000-064 1.14. Lack of coordination between government institutions 2009-07-23 Lesotho: Ministry of Trade South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Import licences procedure is cumbersome. Different departments issuing licences for different products. The multi-departmental authorisation is cumbersome and the procedures are too long.  
Resolution status note: Lesotho reported that this is no longer the case because One Stop Business Facilitation Center has been established. Almost all licensing departments from different ministries have been housed under one roof.  
NTB-000-065 5.2. Exchange controls 2009-07-23 Lesotho: Ministry of Finance Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Lesotho has restrictive and time wasting foreign exchange limitations  
Resolution status note: Lesotho reported that this is not an NTB, but a measure taken to monitor and regulate illegal monies and corruption together with money laundering  
NTB-000-066 5.12. Export restraint arrangements 2009-07-23 Lesotho: Ministry of Mines Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Lesotho has put in place official regulations affecting exports of diamonds and manufactured products which are :
Export and Import control Act 1984
Examination and Movement certificate
Resolution status note: The meeting establishing Lesotho NMC held on 09 August 2011 in Maseru resolved that Lesotho's imposition of this requirement is accordance to article 9 (e) of the SADC Protocolon trade and therefore not an NTB. It was also observed that reporting country had not objected to Lesotho explanation submitted to the 9th meeting of the SADCSub Comitttee on Trade facilitation held in Gaborone on 27 July 2011. This matter is therefore considered resolved.  
NTB-000-067 2.4. Import licensing 2009-07-23 Lesotho: Ministry of Trade Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Lesotho is imposing requires permits on the imports of following bread, milk, eggs, bulk sugar imports, pulses, fruits and vegetables, livestock and liquor.  
Resolution status note: Lesotho reported that she does require permits on the importation of some agricultural products. The Agricultural Marketing Act 26 of 1967 (amended by Act NO.18 of 1973, Order No.6 of 1991 and Act No.5 0f 2001) regulates the importation and exportation of the agricultural products in Lesotho.
The purpose of this Act is to prohibit the importation of products and supplies which are unsafe or inappropriate for the function for which they are to be sold.
Import Requirements:
•Valid Trading licence
•Import permit
NTB-000-068 1.8. Import bans 2009-07-23 Lesotho: Ministry of Trade Lesotho Resolved
Complaint: Lesotho has banned importation of beer into that country  
Resolution status note: Lesotho reported that there is no ban in importation of beer into Lesotho, so there is no NTB in this respect.  
NTB-000-069 1.8. Import bans 2009-07-23 Lesotho: Ministry of Trade South Africa Resolved
Complaint: Lesotho has put a ban on the importation of wheat  
Resolution status note: Lesotho reported that there is no such ban. Our local milling companies even import their wheat from South Africa.  
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