
Complaint number
NTB Type
2.6. Additional taxes and other charges  
On November 3, 2023, the Egyptian Official Gazette published Law No. 177 of 2023 amending provisions of the Value Added Tax Law promulgated by Law No. 67 of 2016, including the provisions related to the tiers of cigarette taxation. The amendments to Serial 1/B of Law No. 177 of 2023 bluntly prohibits imported cigarettes from of the first tier and restricts them to “cigarettes produced by local factories”, which favors and gives preferential treatment to local products.

It is worth noting that the addition of the aforementioned provision has significant repercussions on the competitive ability of other companies, especially that the first tier has the lowest priced cigarettes in the market and are more economical for citizens. Consequently, this contradicts COMESA national treatment article, causing harm through the discrimination of specific products that may lead to market monopolization.

Various companies manufacture their brands in factories in COMESA member states and import and sell it in Egypt. However, the recent tax amendments that imposed a value-added tax on low-priced cigarettes prevent companies from importing cigarettes and limits sales to local production.  
Progress update note
1. Egypt to respond on the NTB with Zambia on the online reporting system by 1st Week of June 2024
2. During the NTBs workshop held from 17 -19 April 2024, the Egypt and Zambia agreed that this issue would form part of the agenda for the proposed bilateral meeting. The dates for the bilateral meeting to be facilitated by the Secretariat would be determined by the two Countries.
3. On 7 May 2024, Egypt Focal Point reported that consultations with the relevant national authorities were ongoing, and Egypt would provide updates as soon as possible.
4. On July 22, 2024, the Secretariat had a meeting with the exporter after receiving a reminder on the NTB dated 3rd July 2024. The aim of the meeting was to get the gist of the NTB and share other necessary information to start facilitating the resolution of the NTB.
5. As a policy issue, the NTB was escalated to Stage 1 on cooperation and elimination of NTBs under the COMESA Regulations on NTBs Elimination and on 26 August 2024, Zambia was advised to formally request the Secretariat to facilitate the bilateral meeting on behalf of the exporter. This comes after Zambia reported that she wrote to the Egyptian Embassy regarding the NTB but there was no immediate response and that was concerning as the matter was very urgent.
6. In a letter dated 2 September 2024, Zambia requested the Secretariat to facilitate a bilateral meeting between the two countries. The Secretariat has started preparation for the bilateral meeting including drafting a letter to Egypt and developing a draft agenda for the bilateral meeting between the two Member States.  
Policy or regulatory NTB
Egypt: Egyptian Tax Authority (Government institution)  
Reporting Country or Region
Country specific trade issue
Date of incident
In process  
Product Description

Total value
Date reported
2024-03-05 16:40  
2024-07-18 14:05  


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