
Complaint number
NTB Type
2.10. Inadequate or unreasonable customs procedures and charges  
There is a problem on processing of Temporary Import Permits since Zimbabwe Revenue Authority came up with a system of doing more Temporary Import Permits for one vehicle. Transporters are now made to write 3 Temporary Import Permits on one truck. 1 Temporary Import Permit for the horse and 2 for the 2 trailers. Processing the Temporary Import Permits is taking too long , for example, Temporary Import Permits for 93 & 98 which we submitted at 01:20hrs ( 31st October 2017) were not ready by mid morning 1st November 2017. Another Temporary Import Permit submitted at 1900hrs last in the night of 31st was only done at 03:15 hrs in the morning of 1st November 2017 .

ZIMRA is now making the clearing agent do a TIP for every unit of the truck. The truck itself then the trailer as well. In the case of an interlink, that is 3 TIPS.  
Status note
On 5 December 2017, Zimbabwe Focal Point confirmed the feedback by Revenue Authority that the client should approach the Station Manager for the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority at Chirundu One Stop Border Post to be guided on the proper forms to use. With this explanation issue should be taken as resolved.  
Progress update note
On 9th November 2017, Zimbabwe Revenue Authority reported that there isn’t a non-tariff barrier in this case. Customs Procedure for Commercial Temporary Import Permit (CTIP) clearance process is that the Form shall be completed by the Owner or Driver. A separate permit shall be issued for each vehicle unit (e.g. for a mechanical horse and two trailers, three separate permits are to be issued). This procedure is currently manual and has been in place for a long time for use by Commercial vehicles. Separate permits are issued because the vehicles can leave Zimbabwe at difference times

Use of the incorrect form that is a Temporary Importation Permit (TIP) may be the cause of the inconvenience. The complaint suggests that the client may be using the wrong platform (eTIP mobile App) , an application that is meant for tourist vehicles, to request for CTIPs. The client may need to approach the Station Manager for the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority at Chirundu One Stop Border Post to be guided on the proper forms to use  
Policy or regulatory NTB
Zimbabwe: Chirundu (Border post)  
Reporting Country or Region
Country specific trade issue
Date of incident
Date of resolution
Product Description
All products

Total value
Date reported
2017-11-07 06:38  
2018-01-22 14:50  


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